In today's pace of life, many women need to confirm their pregnancy on their own. Urinary follicle stimulating hormone test products have become one of the essential products in women's daily life. However, many people do not understand the instructions when using urinary follicle stimulating hormone test products. The purpose of this article is to discuss Urofollitropin Instructions in depth, including how to use and precautions to help readers use this product correctly and safely.

What is urinary follicle stimulating Hormone Test Product?
Urinary follicle stimulating hormone test product is a test product used to detect early pregnancy. The principle is to detect the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine to determine whether pregnancy is present. Before using this product, it is necessary to read the Urofollitropin Instructions carefully to understand its use and storage conditions.
The right way to use
When using a urinary follicle stimulating hormone test product, you should first clean your hands and then use a sampler to collect urine. In the specified window, the exact number of drops is added, and the result is read after waiting for the specified time. Special care should be taken to avoid reading the results too early or too late, so as not to affect the accuracy of the judgment. In the process of use, do not reuse the same test paper.
Storage conditions and precautions
Urinary follicle stimulating hormone test products should be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and humidity. Some products may need to be refrigerated and room temperature restored before use. In cases where the results of use are not clear, a reexamination should be conducted, or the advice of a professional doctor should be consulted.