Urofollitropin (r-hGH) is a human growth hormone that is used to treat
various conditions, including short stature, growth hormone deficiency, and
post-operative recovery. It is a prescription drug that is only available from a
healthcare provider. In this article, we will provide detailed instructions on
how to take urofollitropin injection.
The dosage of urofollitropin injection will be determined by your
healthcare provider based on your individual needs and condition. The
recommended dosage is typically 0.1 to 0.3 IU per kilogram of body weight per
day. Your healthcare provider will determine the appropriate dosage for you
based on your individual characteristics and condition.
Injection Site:
The injection site should be selected carefully to avoid discomfort and
extravasation. The injection should be given into a muscle, such as the rectus
abdominis muscle, or into a subcutaneous fat layer. Avoid giving the injection
into a muscle that is easily fatigued, such as the thigh.

Injection Technique:
Before giving the injection, wash the injection site with soap and water or
use an antiseptic solution. Use a new needle for each injection and avoid
reusing the needle. Hold the needle at a 45-degree angle to the skin and inject
the drug slowly into the muscle or subcutaneous fat layer. Do not push the
plunger until the needle is completely out of the skin.
Keep urofollitropin injection at room temperature and avoid exposure to
light. Store the injection in a secure location away from children. Discard the
injection after 6 months if not used.
Adverse Effects:
Urofollitropin injection may cause various side effects, including nausea,
vomiting, pain, and swelling at the injection site. If these side effects occur,
inform your healthcare provider immediately. In rare cases, urofollitropin
injection may cause serious side effects, including allergic reactions and
Urofollitropin injection is a critical drug that is used to treat various
conditions. It is important to follow the instructions provided by your
healthcare provider carefully to ensure that you receive the most effective
treatment possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please communicate
with your healthcare provider promptly.