The therapeutic goal of Urofollitropin for injection is to produce a single
mature Graff follicle and then use HCG to induce egg release. So what are the
effects and side effects of Urofollitropin for injection?
Urofollitropin for injection works as follows:
1. For anovulation (including polycystic ovary syndrome) who are
ineffective to clomiphene citrate treatment.
2. It is used for assisted reproductive technology to induce ovulation.
All medicines have certain side effects, and Urofollitropin for injection
is no exception. Its side effects are as follows:

Local reactions at the injection site, fever, joint pain, gastrointestinal
symptoms including gastric cavity distension and pelvic pain or breast pain have
been reported after the application of FSH and HMG, mild to moderate ovarian
enlargement, sometimes visible Ovarian cysts, severe ovarian hyperstimulation
syndrome are rare, and arterial thromboembolism occurs in some rare cases, which
is related to the application of HMG and HCG treatment, and this situation can
also occur during the treatment of this product.
The role of Urofollitropin for injection is superovulation induction in
assisted reproductive technology. As long as you use this product according to
the doctor's advice, the side effects are not serious, and you can achieve a
satisfactory curative effect. I wish every family can have a healthy and lovely
The above is the relevant content of Urofollitropin Instructions. If you
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