Industry Information

Are there any side effects of using urofollitropin?

  Any drug will have side effects, only the size of the side effects. In order to let everyone better understand Urofollitropin, the following Xiaobian will give you a detailed introduction.

Are there any side effects of using urofollitropin?

  The side effects of urinary gonadotropin follicles include nausea, headache, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, induction of breast tumors, ovarian cysts, etc. UFO for injection is a sex hormone regulator, which can promote the growth and development of follicles. After using UFO for injection, the body will be in a state of high estrogen level, which will disturb the hormone level in the body and lead to endocrine loss. Long-term use of urofollitropin for injection will cause the ovaries to enlarge, and the accumulation of body fluids in the interstitial spaces induces breast tumors and ovarian cysts. Therefore, it is necessary to use urofollitropin for injection under the guidance of a doctor according to your own condition.

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