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Urofollitropin supplier: products to adjust body condition

  Urofollitropin (FSH) is a hormone derived from humans and other animals. It is synthesized and secreted by gonadotropins in the anterior pituitary gland. FSH regulates the body's processes of development, growth, puberty, and reproduction.

Urofollitropin supplier: products to adjust body condition

  FSH stimulates the maturation of male and female germ cells. FSH induces male Sertoli cells to secrete inhibin and promotes the tight association between Sertoli cells. FSH promotes the growth of female follicles, especially granulosa cells. As inhibin B increased, FSH levels decreased in the late follicular phase. It is critical to select only the most advanced follicles for ovulation. At the end of the luteal phase, there is a slight rise in FSH, which seems to be important to start the next ovulatory cycle.

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