Industry Information

Human chorionic gonadotropin API Supplier: What is chorionic gonadotropin?

  Chorionic gonadotropin is a gonadotropin secreted by placental trophoblast cells, similar to luteinizing hormone, while follicle-stimulating hormone has little effect. It can promote follicle maturation and ovulation, and make ruptured follicle into corpus luteum, prompting it to secrete progesterone. 

Human chorionic gonadotropin API Supplier: What is chorionic gonadotropin?

      It is commonly used for in vitro fertilization to obtain multiple oocytes and is required in combination with postmenopausal gonadotropins. It is recommended to pay attention to whether there is ovarian enlargement after use, accompanied by mild stomach distention, stomach pain, and pelvic pain, which generally subside within 2 to 3 weeks. It is recommended to drink more hot water, ensure good sleep, take appropriate rest, and eat less Spicy, irritating and greasy foods, try to eat as light as possible, develop a good living habit, and pay attention to personal hygiene.

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