Industry Information

Hormone API Manufacturer: Proper understanding of products

  Although the amount of hormones in the human body is not large, it has a great impact on health. Lack or excess can cause various diseases, such as too much growth hormone secretion will cause gigantism; too little secretion will cause dwarfism disease. Excessive thyroid secretion can cause symptoms such as palpitations and sweaty hands; too little secretion can easily lead to obesity and lethargy. Insufficient insulin secretion can lead to diabetes. Many hormone preparations and synthetic products have important uses in medicine and animal husbandry.

Hormone API Manufacturer: Proper understanding of products

  To maintain a good mood, participate in more activities such as gatherings of friends, pay attention to physical and mental hygiene, maintain a regular life and diet, and keep the brain in normal mental activities so that there will be no "problems" in hormone secretion.

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