Industry Information

Urofollitropin works by promoting follicle development

  The role of urofollitropin is to promote follicle development, maturation, ovulation, etc. It is used to treat follicular dysplasia and can be used to treat anovulation and other conditions. This drug has certain side effects. Improper use can cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, and in severe cases, ascites. UFO is a hormone drug, and you cannot use the drug indiscriminately. 

Urofollitropin works by promoting follicle development

       You need to use the drug rationally under the guidance of a doctor according to the specific situation, which can prevent menstrual disorders. After injection, you need to regularly B-ultrasound to check the development of follicles. If the follicles mature and need to arrange intercourse in time, it can improve the probability of pregnancy. Ascites occur after the use of drugs, a small amount of ascites requires bed rest, and strenuous activities are not allowed.

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