Industry Information

Drug Overview and Pharmacokinetics of Urofollitropin

  [Drug Overview] UFO is extracted and purified from the urine of menopausal women, and its active ingredient is FSH, which can promote the recruitment and development of follicles. For women with non-primary ovarian failure, urofollitropin can stimulate ovarian follicle development. In the absence of endogenous LH peaks, when the monitoring results show that the follicles have fully developed, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) should be injected after the injection of this product to promote the full maturation of the follicles and ovulation.

Drug Overview and Pharmacokinetics of Urofollitropin

  【Pharmacokinetics】Research reports of the same species abroad: In voluntary healthy women with inhibited endogenous FSH, single-dose (225IU) and multiple-dose (10I×7d) injection of Bravelle, the steady-state ratio of FSHCmax and AUC can be determined It was seen that subcutaneous and intramuscular injections of Bravelle were not bioequivalent. Steady-state ratios for multiple doses of intramuscular Bravelle, cm, and AUC were 77.7% compared to 81.8% for subcutaneous injections.

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