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Human chorionic gonadotropin is commonly used in gynecology or obstetrics

  Human chorionic gonadotropin is used in gynecology or obstetrics and has a very important role in women. And according to the pharmacological effects of chorionic gonadotropin, it can promote and maintain the function of the corpus luteum in women, make the corpus luteum synthesize progesterone, and can also promote the formation and maturation of follicles, simulate the peak of physiological luteinizing hormone and induce ovulation, And its efficacy and effects go far beyond that.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is commonly used in gynecology or obstetrics

  1. For men, it can make the testes with insufficient pituitary function produce androgens, make the testicles descend, and help the development of male secondary sexual characteristics;

  2. Using the above-mentioned pharmacological effects clinically, chorionic gonadotropin can be used for the diagnosis and treatment of prepubertal cryptorchidism, and can also be used for male infertility caused by hypopituitarism;

  3. It can be used for female anovulatory infertility caused by insufficient pituitary gonadotropin. It is often used in combination with postmenopausal gonadotropin for ovulation after clomiphene treatment is ineffective;

  4. It can also be used for the treatment of female luteal insufficiency, functional uterine bleeding, threatened abortion in early pregnancy, habitual abortion, etc.

  And it can be used in combination with urinary stimulation, one for ovulation stimulation and one for egg breaking. It can be seen that the difference between chorionic gonadotropin and urinary stimulation is still relatively large. Therefore, the combined effect of these two is very large. And people with long-term low gonadotropin function can also use testosterone therapy as an adjunct.

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