Industry Information

Hormone API Manufacturer: Human health and aging play a role

  There are more than 75 kinds of hormones in the human body, of which 25 are protein hormones, and there are more than 50 kinds of steroid hormones. Hormones play a regulatory role in the stability of the internal environment of human metabolism, the coordination between organs, growth and development, and reproduction. It not only affects the growth, development, and emotional performance of a normal person, but is also an important factor in maintaining the health of various organ systems in the body. Once it is out of balance, the body will suffer from pathological changes. 

Hormone API Manufacturer: Human health and aging play a role

     Whether a person can achieve physical and mental health, hormones play a pivotal role. Hormones are produced by endocrine glands and are transported to all parts of the body through blood circulation to maintain the coordination function of body cells. Modern medical research has found that the main raw materials of human hormones are provided by the steroid nucleus contained in the food people ingest. Among the many kinds of hormones, there are more than ten kinds of hormones that play an extremely important role in the health and aging of the human body.

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