Industry Information

Detailed explanation of urofollitropin action

  Qingdao Kangyuan Pharmaceutical Co Ltd The main products are Human chorionic gonadotropin, human menopausal gonadotropin, Urokinase,Urofollitropin , Hormone , Chymotrypsin, Trypsin and Hyaluronidase, protamine sulfate and other research, production and sales for raw materials. The following is a detailed introduction to one of the products urofollitropin。

Detailed explanation of urofollitropin action

  The main function of urinary follicle stimulating hormone is to help promote follicle development, maturation and ovulation. If it is not used properly, it is easy to cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, and in severe cases, it is easy to cause ascites. UFO is a hormonal drug, so patients should not use it indiscriminately. They need to go to the hospital for relevant examinations, and then follow the doctor's prescription according to the specific situation. The use of this drug by patients can prevent menstrual disorders. After the medication, it is necessary to conduct B-ultrasound examinations regularly to understand the development of the follicles.

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