Industry Information

Increased lean is the side effect of Human Gonadotropin (ETH)

  Kangyuan Company is a professional Manufacturer of Hormone API, specializing in production, which is your best choice. The following is the information about Human LEAN Gonadotropin supplier.

Increased lean is the side effect of Human Gonadotropin (ETH)

  Urinary gonadotropin side effects, mainly for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. The manifestation is lower abdomen unwell or distension. Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, ovarian enlargement, severe chest tightness, decreased urine volume, pleural fluid and ascites, and even egg cannon cyst rupture and bleeding. If severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome occurs, the drug should be stopped immediately. In addition, there are multiple pregnancy and premature delivery; For premature ovarian failure, unexplained vaginal bleeding after menopause, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and ovarian enlargement should be contraindicated. The drug should be taken under the guidance of a doctor, and estrogen should be checked during the use. B-mode ultrasound can be used to monitor follicular development and ovulation. If severe ovarian stimulation syndrome occurs, the drug should be stopped immediately.

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