About medical urokinase attending functions, the product should be in
before use for injection sterilized saline, or 5%, glucose solution preparation,
in daily life a lot of matters need attention when using this product, such as:
the application of this product before need to determine the patient's red blood
cells deposited, platelet count, and so on, so this product is the product of
the attending features are what? Read this article to learn about it.

Urokinase manufacturers want to say is this product the attending
thrombolysis treatment of thromboembolic disease including acute diffuse
pulmonary embolism, 6 to 12 hours of chest pain symptoms and myocardial
infarction, coronary artery embolism shorter than three to six hours of acute
cerebral embolism, retinal artery embolism and other symptoms of severe
peripheral arterial embolism skeletons - femoral vein thrombosis, It is also
used for preventing thrombosis after artificial heart valve surgery, maintaining
vascular intubation and the patency of thoracic and pericardial cavity drainage
tubes, and other thrombolytic effects need to be maintained by subsequent
anticoagulation with heparin.
Medical urokinase products of the main function of urokinase manufacturers
to introduce this point, want to know more about the relevant information,
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