Velvet gonadotrophin is produced by the placenta is a kind of glycoprotein
hormones, from pregnant women to urine, can make mature follicle and ovulation
in women, the men can promote qu jing tube function and activity of leydig
cells, in order to increase production of androgens, prompted testicular descent
and promote sperm production, so as when what are the indications for injection
The indications for the use of the choriotropin product for injection are
as follows:
1. Diagnosis and treatment of prepubertal undescended testicles.
2. Male infertility caused by hypopituitary dysfunction can be combined
with urinary gonadotropin. Patients with long-term gonadotropin dysfunction
should also be treated with testosterone.

3. In women with anovulatory infertility caused by insufficient pituitary
gonadotropin, this product is often used in combination with urinary
gonadotropin to promote ovulation after ineffective treatment with
4. It is used in vitro fertilization to obtain multiple oocytes and should
be used in combination with urinary gonadotropin.
5. Male prostate cancer or other androgen dependent tumors.
6. Patients with inflammation of the reproductive system, hormonal active
adenocarcinoma, or gonadal (congenital or post-operative).
Coriotropin products used for injection indications for you to introduce
here, I believe that through the introduction of this article, you have a deep
understanding of this product, if you need to call us at any time.