Urokinase is composed of sterile lyophilized purified products (extracted
from fresh human urine), human plasma albumin, sodium hydrogen phosphate and
sodium dihydrogen phosphate. Therefore, the injectable products are mainly used
for thrombolytic therapy of thromboembolic diseases, pulmonary embolism, acute
myocardial infarction, ocular inflammation and traumatic tissue edema, etc. So
today want to tell you about the use of this product some matters needing
attention, the following to follow me to understand it.

1. Before using this product, the patient needs to count hematocrit and
platelet, determine thrombin time and prothrombin time, activated part of
thrombin activator time and euglobulin dissolution time.
2. The patient's reaction should be closely observed throughout the
medication period, and the patient's pulse rate, body temperature, respiratory
rate, blood pressure and bleeding should be noted at least once every four
hours. If allergic symptoms such as rash and urticaria are found, the product
should be discontinued immediately.
3. If intravenous administration is required, puncture is required once
successfully to avoid local bleeding or hematoma.
4. When arterial puncture is needed for drug administration, pressure
should be applied to the puncture area after injection for at least 30 minutes,
and sterile bandages and dressings should be used for pressure dressing to avoid
5. Use this product with caution in patients who delivered within the last
10 days, underwent tissue biopsy, venipuncture, underwent major surgery or
severe gastrointestinal bleeding.
6. Use this product with caution in patients at risk of left heart
thrombosis, such as mitral stenosis with atrial fibrillation.
7. People with subacute bacterial endometritis should use this product with
8. People who suffer from secondary liver and kidney diseases and have
bleeding tendency and coagulation disorder should use this product with
9. Pregnant women, cerebrovascular patients and diabetic hemorrhagic
retinopathy should use this product with caution.
10. This product should not be diluted with acid solution, so as not to
reduce the efficacy.
About the use of urokinase for injection matters needing attention is
introduced to you here, if you need biological products can contact us