Urokinase extracted from fresh human urine, from human plasma albumin,
sodium hydrogen phosphate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate, this product Wie
glomerular epithelial cells generated by a proteolytic enzyme, no antigenicity,
its itself cannot be combined with fibrin, then next to introduce this product
correct usage and dosage, Follow me to find out.

Injection of urokinase injection sterilized saline or 5% they need before
using ordinary sugar solution preparation, if it is used in the treatment of
pulmonary embolism first dose in 4400 units/kg body weight to calculate, using
saline liquid liquid or 5% glucose solution, with 90 ml/h speed drops down in
ten minutes, followed by dosing rate of 4400 units per hour, Continuous
intravenous drip for 2 hours or 12 hours, pulmonary embolism, to 1500 units per
kilogram of body weight in saline solution preparation within the pulmonary
artery after the injection, can according to the condition necessary to adjust
dosage, interval repeat administration 24 hours time, use at most three times,
treatment of myocardial infarction after symptoms suggest using physiological
saline, Heparin 2500-10000 units should be given intravenously before infusion,
or 2 to 3 million units of this product can be prepared intravenously, which
will be finished in about 45 minutes to 90 minutes. For peripheral artery
thrombosis, this product is prepared with normal saline. The concentration is
2500 units/ml and the rate is 4000 units/min. The catheter is clipped every 2
hours and the rate can be adjusted to 1000 units/min. Until dissolves blood
clots, for prevention and treatment of postoperative thrombosis, heart valve
replacement thrombosis is one of the most common complications of heart valve
surgery, available this product 4400 units/kg body weight, physiological saline
mixture for 10 minutes to 15 minutes after the drop out, and then to 4400
units/kg body weight/hour for maintenance, intravenous drip The drug should be
discontinued as soon as the valve function is normal, and should be discontinued
if the drug is not effective after 24 hours or if there is a tendency for severe
The correct usage and dosage of urokinase is introduced here for you first.
If there is any need, you can contact Kangyuan directly. Welcome to inquire!