Urokinase extraction equipment compared to everyone is not unfamiliar,
mainly used to extract urokinase special equipment, frequent use of equipment
will inevitably appear some small problems, such as: low yield, low unit
potency, more small molecules and so on, so encounter this kind of problem how
to solve?
Common problems in the work of urokinase extraction equipment are described
as follows:
1.There are more crude small molecules of urokinase: this kind of
situation is mainly caused by unstable urokinase, easy denaturation, resulting
in decreased activity, and easy degradation, so that the small and medium
molecules of urokinase increase. In addition to strictly following the process
requirements, we should try to speed up the processing and shorten the interval

2. Low unit potency of urokinase crude gram: such situation is mainly
related to factors such as adsorption, washing after adsorption, and the amount
of collected diatomite after filtration.
3. Decrease of product yield: it is related to the quality of urine,
cleaning of various containers, treatment and addition of silica gel,
concentration of various solutions and pH value, reagents used and other
factors. Urokinase is easy to degrade, and all operations should be carried out
in strict accordance with the operating procedures.
About the urokinase extraction equipment in the work process of some common
problems and solutions for you to introduce this first, for more information
about related products please continue to pay attention to us.