Urokinase manufacturer to introduce the role of urokinase products, through
introducing the before we this product is not particularly strange, its from
human urine or renal tissue cultures of fine face a proteolytic enzyme,
extracted directly to activate fibrinolytic enzymes become fibrinolytic enzyme,
so that the fiber protein hydrolysis, dissolve thrombus, so this product what
are the effects? Next, follow Xiaobian to understand it together.

Urokinase manufacturers want to tell you is urokinase purpose is the same
as streptokinase, but the effect is relatively weak streptokinase, at present
clinical vein is mainly used for acute myocardial infarction or coronary artery
thrombolysis treatment, can also be used for other thromboembolic disorders, eye
inflammation, traumatic tissue edema, hematoma, etc., in addition, there are
anti tumor metastasis, It also has certain curative effect on pregnancy
poisoning and systemic lupus erythematosus. Adverse reactions include bleeding,
fever and allergic reaction, but this drug has no antigenicity or pyrogenicity,
and severe allergic reaction is rare. Excessive dosage can cause bleeding, and
anti-fibrinolytic drugs such as aminocaproic acid can be used for treatment.
The role of urokinase urokinase manufacturers for you to introduce here,
thank you for browsing, if you need this product welcome to call at any time,
welcome to inquire!