Industry Information

Urokinase manufacturers teach you the correct way to check product quality

  Urokinase manufacturer is the proper way to introduce product quality inspection, urokinase everyone know it isolated from healthy person urine, or acquired from human kidney tissues of an enzyme protein, this product direct effects on endogenous fibrinolysis system, then check the quality of the products what the right way? Let's learn about it together.

  Urokinase manufacturers teach you the correct way to check product quality

  The correct way to check product quality is introduced by urokinase manufacturers as follows:

Urokinase manufacturers teach you the correct way to check product quality

  1. Clarification and color of the solution. Take this product and add 0.9% sodium chloride solution to make a solution containing 3000 units per 1ml, which should be clear and colorless.

  2. Molecular component ratio: take this product, dissolve it in water and make a solution containing 2mg per 1ml, then add equal volume of buffer solution (take 2.5ml of concentrated glue buffer solution, 2.5ml of 20% sodium dodecyl sulfate solution, 1.0ml of 0.1% bromophenol blue solution and 3.5ml of 87% glycerin solution, add water to 10ml), and place in water bath for 3 minutes. Cool off.

  3. Dry weight loss, take this product, with phosphorus pentooxide as desiccant, decompress dry at 60 degrees Celsius to constant weight, loss of weight should not be more than 5.0% (2010 edition of Pharmacopoia II appendix Ⅷ L).

  4. Hepatitis B surface antigen, take this product, add 0.9% sodium chloride solution to make a solution containing 10mg per 1 ml, according to the kit instructions, should be negative.

  5. Abnormal toxicity, take this product, add sodium chloride injection into a solution containing 5000 units per 1 ml, should comply with the regulations.

  6. Detection of bacterial endotoxin.

  Fresh rabbit blood was taken and added with 3.8% sodium citrate solution (1 mL for every 9 mL of rabbit blood). The mixture was mixed and centrifuged at 5000 rotation per minute for 20 minutes at 2 to 8 ° C.

  The correct way to check the quality of the product urokinase manufacturers to introduce you here, thank you for reading, if you need to welcome to call at any time.