Industry Information

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin API Supplier's Product Description

  Kangyuan is a professional Hormone API Manufacturer, which is your best choice. Now let's introduce the products of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin API Supplier.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin API Supplier's Product Description

  Choriotropin is a glycoprotein hormone produced by the placenta and extracted from the urine of pregnant women. Can stimulate the gonad activity, to the female can promote follicle maturation and ovulation, to the male can promote the function of the seminiferous tube and the testis interstitial cell activity, in order to increase the production of androgen, make the testis drop and promote sperm production. It is often used for low sexual function, habitual abortion, severe uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, infertility, cryptorchidism, etc., but it is ineffective for cryptorchidism caused by anatomical lesions. Choriotropin has the same α subunit structure as luteinizing hormone (LH). It has biological activity and immune activity similar to LH. When used to promote follicular maturation, a large dose of injection is needed to simulate the pre-ovulation LH peak, so as to accelerate follicular maturation and induce ovulation. Intramuscular injection of 10,000 U is commonly used, and ovulation occurs 36 ~ 48h after injection in most cases. B - ultrasound was used to monitor the follicle development if conditions existed. If artificial insemination is performed or ovulation is triggered to guide intercourse, it is performed on the day and/or day 2 of HCG injection, and B-ultrasound examination is performed again 48 hours later to see if ovulation has occurred. If there is still no ovulation, HCG injection should be repeated, and timely intercourse should be repeated to improve the pregnancy rate.

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