Industry Information

Human Menopausal Gonadotropin Supplier's indications

  Kangyuan is a professional Hormone API Manufacturer, which is your best choice. Now, let's introduce the relevant content of Human Menopausal Gonadotropin.

  【 Ingredients 】 This product is a sterile freezing-dried product made from refined glycoprotein gonadotropin extracted from the urine of menopausal women and added with appropriate excients. Contains two bioactive components, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, the ratio of which is about 1.

  [Properties] This product is a white or quasi-white freeze-dried lump or powder, which is dissolved in water.

  [Indications] Used in combination with choriotropin for primary or secondary amenorrhea caused by insufficient gonadotropin secretion, infertility caused by anovulation, etc.

Human Menopausal Gonadotropin Supplier's indications

  [Usage and Dosage] Dissolve in 1~2ml sterilized water for injection for intramuscular injection. At the beginning (or from the fifth day of the cycle) 75~ 150U once, once a day. After 7 days, the dose was adjusted to 150~ 225U per day according to the patient's estrogen level and follicular development. 10 000 U of HCG was injected intramuscularly after follicle maturation to induce ovulation. Those whose ovaries did not respond three weeks after injection were discontinued.

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