Kangyuan Company is a professional Manufacturer of Hormone API,
specializing in production, which is your best choice. Let me tell you about the
Hormone API Manufacturer.
Types and functions of hormones
Sex hormones
Control ovarian development and function
Growth hormone
Control the growth and development of the body
Thyroid hormone
Keep your body active

[Parathyroid hormone]
Maintain blood calcium levels
Stimulate physical explosive force, deal with emergency crisis
3. Insulin
Maintain blood sugar levels
【 Estrogen and progesterone 】
Regulate menstruation and maintain fertility
2. Male hormones
In charge of male sexuality
The above is the relevant content summarized by The Small edition of
Kangyuan Company. If you need to know more, please continue to pay attention to
us. We will update Human Chorionic gonadotropin, Human GONadotropin supplier
regularly, Urofollitropin Price, Urokinase Manufacturer, Hormone API