Industry Information

Read the ulinastatin instructions in one minute

  [Ulinastatin main Ingredients] Main ingredients of this product are: ulinastatin

  The product is a white or yellowish freeze-dried lump or powder.

  [Ulinastatin function indications/indications] for: Acute pancreatitis; Chronic recurrent pancreatitis; (3) The rescue adjuvant drug for acute circulatory failure.

Read the ulinastatin instructions in one minute

  [Usage and dosage of ulinastatin] For acute pancreatitis and chronic recurrent pancreatitis, at the initial stage, 1000 units were dissolved in 500ML 5% glucose injection or 0.9% normal saline injection intravenously for 1 to 2 hours each time, 1 to 3 times a day, and then the dosage was reduced as the symptoms subsided; Acute circulative failure, 100,000 units each time dissolved in 500ml5% glucose injection or 0.9% normal saline intravenous infusion, intravenous drip for 1 to 2 hours each time, 1-3 times a day, or 100,000 units each time dissolved in 2ml0.9% normal saline injection, slowly intravenous injection for 1 to 3 times a day. And can be based on age, symptoms appropriate increase or decrease.

  [Ulinastatin adverse reactions] Blood system: leukopenia or eosinophilia were occasionally observed; Digestive system: occasional nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, occasional elevation of AST and ALT; Injection site: blood vessel pain, redness, itching, rash, etc. (4) Occasionally see allergy, allergy symptoms should be stopped immediately, and appropriate treatment.

  Above is the content of ulinastatin, if you want to know more, please continue to pay attention to Kangyuan, we will be at your service.