Industry Information

Ulinastatin produces vaccines for the use of the method of use

  Ulinastatin produces vaccines for the use of the method of use

      1.Acute pancreatitis, diffuse recurrent pancreatitis, intravenous infusion of 500ML 5% glucose injection or 0.9% saline injection into enterprises l00, 000 every time in the early stage, intravenous infusion for 1 to 2 hours every time, 1 to 3 times a day, and then reduced as the disease dissipates;

Ulinastatin produces vaccines for the use of the method of use

      2. Subacute circulative failure, intravenous infusion of 500ML 5% glucose injection or 0.9% saline injection in 100,000 enterprises every time, 1-2 hours per time, 1-3 times per day, or 2mL 0.9% saline injection in 100,000 enterprises every time, 1-3 times per day. And can adjust appropriately according to age, disease.

  Producing side-effect vaccines

  1. Blood system: a few leukopenia or eosinophil increase; 2. Digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, occasionally elevated AST and ALT; 3. Injection site: a little blood vessel pain, redness, itching, rash, etc.; 4. A small amount of skin allergy, allergy symptoms should be immediately discontinued, and appropriate solution.