Industry Information

The role of urokinase

  Urokinase is a proteolytic enzyme extracted from the culture medium of human urine or kidney thin face tissue, which can directly activate fibrinogen to become fibrinolytic enzyme, thus hydrolyzing fibrin and dissolving thrombi. After intravenous injection of this drug, the activity of fibrinolytic enzyme increased rapidly, reaching the peak in 15 minutes, still increasing 6 hours later, and returning to normal slowly 24 hours later.

  Urokinase USES the same as streptokinase, but has a weaker effect. At present, it is mainly used for intravenous thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction or coronary artery, and can also be used for other thromboembolic diseases, eye inflammation, traumatic tissue edema, hematoma, etc. In addition, there are anti-lung cancer metastasis effect, pregnancy poisoning, systemic lupus erythematosus also has a certain effect. Adverse reactions include bleeding, fever, anaphylaxis, etc., but the drug has no antigenicity, no pyrogenicity, and severe anaphylaxis is rare. Excessive dosage can cause bleeding, aminohexanoic acid and other anti-fibrinolytic drugs can be used to fight treatment.