Human chorionic gonadotropin is a substance secreted by the placenta after
pregnancy. Testing for human chorionic gonadotropin can determine whether
pregnancy has occurred and whether chorionic gonadotropin levels are normal
after pregnancy. Diluting human chorionic gonadotropin, a common prescription
drug, is also a glycoprotein secreted by cells in the placenta that promotes the
secretion of sex hormones. After injection of this drug can prolong the life of
the female corpus luteum, improve the level of progesterone in the body, has a
certain role in fetal protection. At the same time also can stimulate the female
body's androgen to estrogen conversion to promote the formation of progesterone.
Of course, this drug must be clearly diagnosed before it is used, and can be
rationally administered under the correct guidance of specialist doctors.

The examination of HCG is of great significance in the diagnosis of early
pregnancy, and has certain value in the diagnosis, differentiation and
observation of disease course of pregnancy-related diseases and trophoblast
tumor. 1. Increased incidence: early pregnancy, hydatidiform mole, malignant
hydatidiform mole, chorionic epithelial cell carcinoma, spermatogonoma,
teratoma, ectopic HCG secreting tumor (such as gastric cancer, pancreatic
cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, ovarian cancer, digestive
system carcinoid, etc.) 2. See: abortion, etc.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a test method for gynecological
pregnancy. This method is used to examine the fertilized egg implantation and is
the first accurate examination. It is recommended that HCG values vary from
pregnancy to pregnancy.
That's all about diluting human chorionic gonadotropin. Please stay tuned
for more.