The neuroprotective effect of Ulinastatin
Ulinastatin can reduce pathological changes of brain tissue, improve cerebral edema
and cerebral oxygen metabolism, protect nerve function, and improve memory and
intelligence disorders. Clinical studies have shown that severe craniocerebral
trauma patients cerebral oxygen metabolism index (neck venous blood lactic acid,
internal jugular venous blood oxygen saturation, difference of venous blood
oxygen content and cerebral oxygen uptake rate) in UTI treatment group improved
significantly, UTI can reduce the patient's blood c-reactive protein levels,
inflammatory cytokines (IL - 6, TNF alpha), superoxide dismutase (sod) and
endothelin level, protect the brain tissue. High dose UTI(400,000 units) can
reduce the serum S-100B protein and neural-cell-specific enolase, inhibit
oxidative stress, improve immune function and intracranial pressure in patients
with severe craniocerebral injury.

In animal models, Ulinastatin significantly reduced the expression of aquaporin -4,
IL-1 and TNF-, inhibited the activation of NF- B, alleviated brain edema, and
treated brain injury. In rat models of acute spinal cord injury, Ulinastatin promoted
neurological function recovery, and its mechanism was associated with increased
expression of IL-10 in the spinal cord.
To sum up, the mechanism of Ulinastatin on post-traumatic neuroprotection is mainly
related to anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, improvement of membrane
permeability, and regulation of immunity.