Urokinase pharmacological action
the goods can direct effects on endogenous fibrinolysis system into a
fibrinolytic enzyme catalytic cracking fibrinolytic enzyme, which can not only
degradation of fibrin clot, also can degrade fibrinogen in blood, and clotting
factor Ⅴ and blood coagulation factor Ⅷ etc, so as to play a role of
thrombolysis. The product has quick effect and good effect on newly formed
thrombus. It can also improve the activity of ADP enzyme, inhibit ADP-induced
platelet aggregation and prevent thrombosis. After intravenous infusion, the
fibrinolytic activity in the patients was significantly increased.

activity returned to progen levels a few hours after withdrawal, but a decrease
in plasma fibrin or fibrinogen levels and an increase in their degradation
products lasted 12 to 24 hours. This product showed a significant correlation
between thrombolytic effect and drug dose and time window of administration. The
toxicity of this product was very low, and half of the deaths from intravenous
injection in mice were greater than 1 million ius/kg body weight. There were no
obvious antigenicity, teratogenicity, carcinogenicity or mutagenicity.
Anaphylaxis has rarely been reported in clinical practice. However, in view of
its increased plasminogen activity and reduced circulation of unbound
plasminogen and fibrin-bound plasminogen, there may be a serious risk of