HCG, a protein secreted by human placental trophoblast cells, is elevated
during pregnancy. So checking your urine for HCG can tell if you're pregnant.
Drug stores sell early pregnancy test strips and to the hospital to check
whether there is HCG in the urine, HCG high is pregnant. This is used for
qualitative (i.e. positive or negative) purposes.
The increase of human chorionic gonadotropin is associated with pregnancy,
but it cannot be determined as intrauterine pregnancy. Suggest you do pelvic
cavity B to examine to the hospital.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a glycoprotein secreted by the
trophoblastic cells of the placenta. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG),
synthesized by syncytiotrophoblast cells. The subunits of glycoprotein hormone
with molecular weight of 36700 are similar to FSH(follicle-stimulating hormone),
LH(luteinizing hormone) and TSH(thyroid-stimulating hormone) secreted by
pituitary gland, so they can cross-react with each other. The subunits are not
similar in structure. The structure of -HCG is similar to that of -LH, but the
last 24 extended amino acids are not present in -LH.
Complete human chorionic gonadotropins are produced entirely by the
syncytiotrophoblast of the placental chorionic membrane. Human chorionic
gonadotropin is produced by transitional cells and cells of trophoblastic layer.
Human chorionic gonadotropin secretion begins 10-14 days after conception.
Patients with hydatidiform mole, malignant hydatidiform mole, chorionic
epithelial carcinoma and testicular teratoma have significantly increased
urinary HCG, up to 100,000 to millions IU/L, and can be diagnosed by dilution
test, such as positive urine at 1:500 dilution before 12 weeks of gestation,
positive urine at 1:250 dilution after 12 weeks of gestation, which is valuable
for the diagnosis of hydatidiform mole. Positive urine dilution of 1:100 ~ 1:500
is also of diagnostic value for choriocarcinoma. For example, increased URINE
HCG in men should be considered for testicular tumors such as seminoma,
malformation and ectopic HCG tumor.
According to the article for human chorionic gonadotropin high analysis
shows that in most cases, when women for human chorionic gonadotropin detection,
if human chorionic gonadotropin is on the high side, shows that the subjects
have been pregnant more, besides, it is possible that hydatidiform mole and
malignant mole.