High follicle-stimulating hormone high follicle-stimulating hormone can be
seen in primary amathyrosis, primary hyposexual function, early hypophysis,
testicular seminoma, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, and other drugs such
as clomiphene levodopa.
Turner syndrome, mentioned here, is a genetic condition with only one X
chromosome on the sex chromosome. (A normal male would have two XY sex
chromosomes and a normal female would have two XX ones.) In addition,
Klinefelter syndrome refers to a genetic condition with XXY sex chromosomes.
This kind of sufferer has partial male characteristic, have partial female
characteristic again.

Reasons for high follicle-stimulating hormone in women include:
1. Among the patients with hyperprolactinemia, about 1/4 is caused by
pituitary tumors, and some may be caused by hypothalamus and pituitary
dysfunction, hypothyroidism, renal insufficiency, malignant tumors in other
parts, chest wall injury and drug effects.
2. Increased follicle-stimulating hormone before ovulation can be seen
after primary ovarian failure and gonadectomy. A high follicle-stimulating
hormone level indicates that you have ovarian lesions, which may be due to
ovarian dysplasia or ovarian dysfunction, or amenorrhea caused by ovarian
development or dysfunction.
Reasons for high follicle-stimulating hormone in men include:
1. In men, vas deferens growth and maintenance of sperm production are
often regulated by FSH, and FSH levels are usually elevated in men with asthenia
and oligospermia. The elevation of FSH indicates possible abnormalities in the
2. Primary testicular failure and hypoplasia of the fine tubules,
starvation, renal failure, hyperthyroidism and cirrhosis.