Human chorionic gonadotrophin test is to check the blood or urine levels of
human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Some people take chorionic gonadotrophin
tests to get specific Numbers, others just check for hCG in the body. When a
woman is pregnant, the placenta releases hCG, so this test can tell if the woman
is pregnant.
It can also be used as part of screening for birth defects. Some tumors
also produce hCG, especially those from eggs or sperm, known as germ cell
tumors. If a woman's uterus is dysplastic, a hCG test is usually performed. The
human chorionic gonadotropin test may also detect hydatidiform mole or uterine
cancer. Some hCG tests are performed after a miscarriage to ensure that no
hydatidiform pregnancy has occurred. In men, hCG levels are helpful in detecting
testicular cancer. The egg usually meets sperm in the fallopian tube and is

Within nine days, the fertilized egg will move down from the fallopian tube
into the uterus, where it will implant in the uterine wall. After the fertilized
egg is implanted, the growing placenta begins to release hCG into the blood
stream. Some hCG also gets into the urine. HCG can be found in the blood before
the first menopause after pregnancy. In the fastest case, hCG can be detected 6
days after implantation. HCG can help keep pregnancy going smoothly and can
affect fetal growth and development. HCG levels are high between 14 and 16 weeks
after the first menopause, and peak at 14 weeks. Then, the hCG level will
gradually decrease. Early pregnancy hCG
Elevated levels can give information about pregnancy and fetal health.
After childbirth, the hCG in the blood will soon disappear. In the case of
multiple births, the placenta releases more hCG. If the fertilized egg is
implanted outside the uterus (such as in the fallopian tube), the pregnant
woman's body will have lower levels of hCG, which is medically known as an
ectopic pregnancy.