Industry Information

Does injection use ulinastatin to treat abdominal distension?

  Bloating is a common digestive symptom, not a disease. It can be a subjective feeling of abdominal part or full abdomen, usually accompanied by related symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, belching, etc. It can also be an objective examination of what is seen, such as the discovery of partial or total abdominal distension. Ulinastatin for injection is a common injectant used in the digestive tract. So, is ulinastatin for injection for abdominal distension?

Does injection use ulinastatin to treat abdominal distension?

  Vial wu ulinastatin main symptoms of acute pancreatitis, abdominal pain and abdominal distention) relief and the disappearance of the main signs (pressure), but the cause of abdominal distension mainly in gastrointestinal tract bilge gas, caused by various reasons of ascites, abdominal tumor, etc., therefore, injection of ulinastatin to treat abdominal distension, need to see what is the cause of abdominal distension, suggested that patients with timely medical treatment, lest delay an illness.