Generally, the content of human villous gonadotropin in the blood of women who are not pregnant is less than 100IU/L, that is to say, the content of human villous gonadotropin in the blood of women is more than 100IU/L, which is considered as a symptom of pregnancy, while the absolute value of serum HCG changes greatly in different stages of pregnancy and between pregnant women.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a glycoprotein secreted by the trophoblast cells of the placenta, consisting of alpha and beta dimer glycoproteins. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) alpha beta, synthesized by syncytiotrophoblast cells. So, what is the number of chorionic gonadotropin in the first month of pregnancy? Next let small make up for you to briefly introduce.
Normal reference values: gestational weeks HCG(IU/L) : 0.2-1 weeks 5-50,1-2 weeks 50-500,2-3 weeks 100-5000,3-4 weeks 500-10000,4-5 weeks 1000-50000,5-6 weeks 10000-100000,6-8 weeks 15000-200000,2-3 months 10000-100000. Pay attention to the timely review. Blood HCG levels increase after pregnancy, especially in the early stages when it should double.
So what exactly is human chorionic gonadotropin? What is the normal value of human chorionic gonadotropin? Here we will first introduce what human chorionic gonadotropin is.
The so-called human chorionic gonadotropin is produced by the placenta in women. This substance is called glycoprotein. This kind of material has important effect to female fertility, its effect is manifold. In other words, when human chorionic gonadotropin levels are not up to par, they can have a negative impact on a woman's health.
So, what is the normal value of human chorionic gonadotropin? Studies have shown that a woman's chorionic gonadotropin level is above 5 when she becomes pregnant. Normally, the value of human chorionic gonadotropin in women is small, only a few tenths.
In fact, the value of human chorionic gonadotropin in women is usually between 0 and 5. In other words, in the absence of pregnancy, a woman's chorionic gonadotropin quality is normal within this range. However, once pregnancy occurs, the value increases and further exceeds 5. However, due to individual differences, the medical point out that some people will be higher than 5. The main reason is that the number of weeks of gestation gradually increases, in order to be accurate, the hospital should carry out the corresponding examination.