Women who do ivf must have heard of FSH, because when you do treatment your doctor will ask you to check for six hormones, one of which is FSH. Many female infertility patients will ask a question: what is FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone)? Why is there an increase in FSH levels? What does increased levels of FSH have to do with infertility? What does it have to do with being a test-tube baby?

What is FSH?
Follicle-stimulating hormone, English abbreviation FSH, is one of the anterior pituitary basophilic cells secrete hormones, composition of glycoprotein, luteinizing hormone and collectively gonadotropins, a major role in follicle granular layer cell proliferation differentiation, promote the whole ovary grew up, so as to promote the follicle stimulating and role in the testicles, seminiferous tubule, stimulates the production of sperm. Therefore, the value of FSH will directly reflect the fertility of both men and women.
Relationship between FSH and infertility
An increase in the value of FSH means that the ovaries have lost their ovulation function. It is generally believed that if the value of FSH in the blood exceeds 12, there is the risk of infertility, which also indicates that a woman has entered pre-menopause. This may raise the question of why elevated levels of FSH, which is supposed to promote egg maturation, cause infertility in women. On the one hand, FSH promotes the initial development of egg cells, and the developing egg cells secrete statins B and estradiol, which inhibit the production of FSH. This ensures that only one dominant follicle matures in each cycle. Therefore, under normal physiological cycle conditions, the secretion of FSH also shows periodic changes. If endocrine disruption occurs, or if a woman's ovaries lose the ability to release eggs, the development of the egg cell stops, and the stopped egg cell stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more FSH. This can lead to increased levels of FSH in the blood.
FSH rise can do ivf?
Before entering the test tube cycle, women need to do a comprehensive physical examination (including vaginal ultrasound and hormone six tests). Yin is exceeded check basically is to see the number of follicles of left and right ovarian of the woman, hormone 6 need a woman to undertake blood test on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation. Women can also have AMH tests to evaluate women's ovarian function, which has the advantage of high accuracy. The larger the number, the better (i.e., the higher the AMH number, the better the ovarian function, but it should be less than 7, if more than 7, there may be a risk of polycystic ovary syndrome).
If the female FSH hormone level is particularly high, it means that the lower the ovarian function and egg reserve function of the female, it will have different degrees of influence on the success rate of ivf. It is generally recommended that patients receive ivf treatment after FSH value returns to normal, which will also improve the success rate of ivf.