Generally, the content of human villous gonadotropin in the blood of women
who are not pregnant is less than 100IU/L, that is to say, the content of human
villous gonadotropin in the blood of women is more than 100IU/L, which is
considered as a symptom of pregnancy, while the absolute value of serum HCG
changes greatly in different stages of pregnancy and between pregnant women.

Human villous gonadotropin (HCG) appears in the body after conception,
usually 10-14 days after conception. The complete human chorionic gonadotropin
is produced by the transitional trophoblast cells and their cells. Women in the
diagnosis of early pregnancy, can be blood testing human villous gonadotropin
content, so how much is the human chorionic gonadotropin pregnancy?
Human chorionic gonadotropin is excreted into the urine through the blood
circulation of a pregnant woman. The absolute value of serum HCG varies greatly
at different stages of gestation and among different pregnant women. Generally,
the blood HCG of non-pregnant women is <100IU/L, so when the blood HCG
content of a woman is higher than 100IU/L, it means that she has been pregnant.
Levels of human villous gonadotropin, or HCG, rise rapidly in serum and urine at
1 to 2.5 weeks of gestation. Here is a list of normal levels of progesterone and
HCG during pregnancy. In particular, the meaning of mIU and mU is the same (the
I in the middle of mIU means "international"). 1 u/ml = 1000 mu/ml = 1000
Progesterone (P)
Determination of time specimen old system unit normal value old - new
coefficient legal units
Oocyte stage blood 0.2 ~ 0.6ng/ml 3.18 0.6 ~ 1.9nmol/L 0.3145
Yellow body phase blood 6.5 ~ 32.2ng/ml 3.18 20.7 ~ 102.4nmol/L 0.3145
Blood at 7 weeks of gestation was 24.5±7.6ng/ml 3.12 76.4±23.7nmol/L
Blood at 8 weeks of gestation 28.6±7.9ng/ml 3.12 76.4±23.7nmol/L 0.32
Oocyte blood 24.5±7.6ng/ml 3.12 89.2±24.6nmol/L 0.32
Blood at 9 ~ 12 weeks gestation 38.0±13.0ng/ml 3.12 118.6±40.6nmol/L
Blood at 13 ~ 16 weeks gestation 45.5±14.0ng/ml 3.12 142.0±43.7nmol/L
The blood at 17 ~ 20 weeks gestation was 63.3±14.0ng/ml
Blood of 21 ~ 24 weeks gestation 110.9±35.7ng/ml 3.12 346.0±111.4nmol/L
Blood at 25-34 weeks of gestation was 165.3±35.7ng/ml 3.12
514.8±111.4nmol/L 0.32
Blood at 35 weeks of gestation 202.0±47.0ng/ml 3.12 630.2±146.6nmol/L
Menopausal blood <1.0ng/ml 3.18 <3.2nmol/L 0.3145
Amniotic fluid 55ng/ml at 13 ~ 36 weeks of gestation 3.12 171.6nmol/L
Full-term pregnancy amniotic fluid 26ng/ml 3.12 81.1nmol/L 0.32
It appears that women's urine and blood HCG levels peak at 8 weeks of
pregnancy, and then slowly drop back to the moderate level after the fourth
month of pregnancy, and the moderate level of HCG continues until the third
trimester. In addition, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin also has a
great relationship with the sex of the fetus, generally the baby girl will be
significantly higher than the baby boy.