Diagnosis of early pregnancy: HCG can rise to more than 2500 IU/L at 35
~ 50 days after pregnancy. It can reach 80,000 IU/L at 60 ~ 70 days, and the
urine HCG of multiple pregnancies is often higher than that of one

2. Determination of abnormal pregnancy and placental function:
(1) ectopic pregnancy: such as ectopic pregnancy, this test only 60% of the
positive rate, three days after uterine bleeding, HCG can still be positive, so
HCG examination can be used as it and other acute abdomen differentiation. HCG
is usually 312 ~ 625 IU/L.
(2) diagnosis and treatment of abortion: incomplete abortion, if there is
residual placental tissue in the uterus, HCG examination can still be positive;
HCG changes from positive to negative in the case of complete abortion or
stillbirth, so it can be used as the reference basis for fetal protection or
uterine aspiration therapy.
(3) threatened abortion: such as urine HCG still maintain high levels will
not occur inevitable abortion. If the HCG is below 2500 IU/L and gradually
decreases, miscarriage or stillbirth may occur. When the HCG is below 600 IU/L,
miscarriage is inevitable. In the treatment of foetus preservation, if HCG
continues to decline, it means that foetus preservation is ineffective; if HCG
continues to rise, it means that foetus preservation is successful.
(4) postpartum 4 days or 13 days after induced abortion, serum HCG should
be less than 1000 IU/L, postpartum 9 days or 25 days after induced abortion,
serum HCG should return to normal. If this is not the case, the possibility of
anomalies should be considered.
3. Trophoblast tumor diagnosis and treatment monitoring
Hydatidiform mole and malignant hydatidiform mole and chorionic carcinoma
and testicular teratoma significantly increased in patients with urinary HCG,
right up to 100000 millions to IU/L available dilution test diagnosis such as 12
weeks ago 1:500 dilute urine pregnancy medical education network collect
positive, after 12 weeks of pregnancy 25 0 dilute urine positive of hydatidiform
mole diagnosis value. Positive 1:100 ~ 1:500 diluted urine also has diagnostic
value for choriocarcinoma. For example, elevated HCG in male urine, testicular
tumors such as spermatogonial carcinoma, malformation and ectopic HCG tumor
should be considered.
2. HCG should be urinated 3 weeks after trophoblastic tumor
4. Other menopause, ovulation and bilateral oophotomectomy can cause
increased luteinizing hormone, because LH and HCG alpha peptide chain
composition is the same, so the use of anti-hcg antibody pregnancy test
positive, at this time can be used to collect the single medical education
network of beta HCG enzyme immunoassay identification. Endocrine diseases such
as pituitary diseases, hyperthyroidism, gynecological diseases such as ovarian
cysts, uterine cancer and other HCG can also increase.
These are about the human chorionic gonadotropin related introduction, hope
to help you, but still remind you that due to different physical conditions, so
if found abnormal please seek medical advice.