Early pregnancy: generally, the blood or urine chorionic gonadotropin
value can be detected around 10 days after fertilization, and the clinical trial
is generally replaced by pregnancy test;

2. Ectopic pregnancy; Ectopic pregnancy is extremely dangerous for pregnant
women, one careless will be bleeding shock and fatal, ectopic pregnancy HCG
value is significantly lower than the normal pregnancy hormone level at the same
time, combined with B ultrasound and other examinations, can be clearly
diagnosed; When ectopic pregnancy ruptures, HCG levels rise rapidly, which is of
great help in judging the disease.
Grape foetus: the trophoblast cells proliferate highly, producing a lot of
chorionic gonadotrophin; if bh-hcg stows 100000U/L, it has irregular vaginal
bleeding after menstruation; the uterus exceeds that of the month after
menstruation; sometimes it can be seen that grape-like vesicle tissue is
discharged from the vagina, the occurrence of grape foetus needs to be
4. Erosive hydatidiform mole: patients with previous history of
hydatidiform mole and curettage are at higher risk. The clinical manifestations
and examination were similar to those of hydatidiform mole, but the pathological
results were different. It is a kind of tumor between choriocarcinoma and
hydatidiform mole.
5. Choriocarcinoma: often secondary to hydatidiform mole, miscarriage,
full-term delivery, ectopic pregnancy. The degree of malignancy is high, b-hcg
value is higher, easy to spread through the blood channel, the most common site
of metastasis is the lung. It can be alleviated by chemotherapy.
HCG is not only used to diagnose early pregnancy, its hormone levels are
important throughout pregnancy. Women who wish to become pregnant have a full
understanding of HCG and are actively seeking prenatal testing.